Welcome to Denton, NC


Water Service Application

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Names of Other Adults Living In Residence (or type "None")(Required)
First Name
Last Name
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Service Address(Required)
Mailing Address (if different from above)

Water Service Information

Water bills are based on water usage as indicated by the water meter reading. Please see Town of Denton Customer Service Policy on our Documents page.

Payments are due on the 20th of each month.

$25 late fee is applied on the 21st on all unpaid bills.

If payment is not received in full by the last day of the month, service will be discontinued on the first day of the next month. A $25 delinquency fee will be applied. Service does not have to be turned off for the delinquency fee to be applied. The past due bill and the delinquency fee has to be paid to restore service.

Tampering with a meter can result in criminal charges. See Customer Service Policy for details of action.

Payments can be made in person at Town Hall, placed in our drop box located at the back parking lot, made at Online Payments or by setting up a Bank Draft.

Failure to receive a bill does not entitle payment without penalty. Bills are mailed the first day of each month. If you do not receive a bill, please contact Town Hall at 336-859-4231.

Return of deposit requires that final bill and any late or reconnect fees be paid. Refunds will be mailed to the address provided.

$150 Deposit is required for renters. Payment can be made at Online Payments under Water Payment Icon. Use several "0" for your account number and note it's for a Water Deposit.

We must have a copy of a Photo ID for service. You can send a copy/picture to townofdentonnc@gmail.com.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Bank Draft

If you would like to have your utility bill drafted out of your account each month, please complete the form below.


201 W Salisbury St.
Denton, NC 27239


Weekdays: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Weekends: CLOSED


Phone: 336-859-4231
Fax: 336-859-3381