The Town of Denton Board of Commissioners established the Parks and Recreation Board in October 2013 for promoting recreational and park needs of the community, and for planning and coordinating recreation activities and park improvements for the enjoyment of all citizens of the community.
The Parks and Recreation Board consists of seven members from the community who have expressed a desire to promote a public recreation and parks program. Members are appointed by the Town Board and may serve three-year terms.
While not technically a “department” of the town, the Parks and Recreation Board works closely with town officials to develop and coordinate recreational events throughout the year.
If you are interested in serving on the Denton Parks and Recreation Board, applications are available at the Town Clerk’s office during normal business hours.
Parks and Recreation Board meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at 6 p.m. Meetings are open to the public and are held at Town Hall at 201 W. Salisbury Street. Citizen involvement is welcomed and encouraged.
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Parks & Recreation Board Members
Chairman: Rebecca White
Vice Chairman: Susan Craven
Secretary: Venus Chapman
Rosemary Cranford
Sam Grimes
Logan Berg